What is Pass-through Charging

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One of our repeated clients said he likes to customize a power bank with the pass-through charging function.

And our new-coming colleague felt puzzled. 

So I decided to write an article about this topic today.

What Does Mean Pass-through Charging?

Pass-through charging is a technology that a power bank can charge devices and charge itself simultaneously. It means a power bank can be a bridge to charge other devices when it juices up at the same time. 

Do All Power Banks Support Pass-through Charging?

Of course not. So that’s why our client asked for it. 

When you charge the power bank with the power source and connect with the devices, it will generally turn off the output without the pass-through charging function. Or you will find the power bank becomes hot and maybe unsafe. 

In reverse, the power bank and devices will be in full capacity after a time if with the pass-through charging function. But it works very slow. 

How Does Pass-through Charging Work?

You may think some power percentage comes to the power bank, and the others go to devices. However, the battery cannot charge and discharge at once. Because the current only flows in one direction in the direct current condition.

So, the power bank is not being charged when replenishing a connected device. The power bank is heating up more to charge the devices. Or even use more energy to exhaust the battery. 

When the power bank is empty, it will stop doing output.

Then it will degrade pretty fast. 


Although Morui’s power banks are built with the pass-through charging function and multiple protection, we do not recommend you do pass-through charging regularly. It should be done in emergencies for a short time instead.

If you need to charge 2 things together, I suggest you can buy a dual USB charger. 

Picture of Ryan
Hi, I’m Ryan Gao, a father of 2 kids, also the content manager of MoruiPower.com. I’ve been working on consumer electronics for 8 years now. On this site, I like to share with you the knowledge related to power banks, wireless headphones, and portable power stations from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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